Results for 'Rafael Rojina Villegas'

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  1.  19
    Introducción y teoría fundamental del derecho y del estado.Rafael Rojina Villegas - 1943 - México,: [Talleres de "El Nacional"].
    I. Teoría del derecho.--II. Teoría del estado.
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  2. Introducción al estudio del derecho.Rafael Rojina Villegas - 1949 - México,: Editorial Porrúa.
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    Teoría juridica de la conducta.Rafael Rojina Villegas - 1947 - México,: Ediciones Botas.
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    Teoría general del Estado.Rafael Rojina Villegas - 1968 - México,:
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  5. Truth in Perspective: Recent Issues in Logic, Representation and Ontology.C. Martínez, U. Rivas & L. Villegas-Forero - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (3):404-407.
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    "Qui" e "Adesso": un'asimmetria apparente nell'interpretazione dei concetti della fisica.Rafael Martínez - 1993 - Acta Philosophica 2 (1).
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  7. Developmental Channeling and Evolutionary Dappling.Grant Ramsey & Cristina Villegas - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    The developmental properties of organisms play important roles in the generation of variation necessary for evolutionary change. But how can individual development steer the course of evolution? To answer this question, we introduce developmental channeling as a disposition of individual organisms that shapes their possible developmental trajectories and evolutionary dappling as an evolutionary outcome in which the space of possible organismic forms is dappled—it is only partially filled. We then trace out the implications of the channeling-dappling framework for contemporary debates (...)
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  8. The Temporality of Freedom: Retrogressive vs. Progressive Conceptions of Freedom between Schelling and Sartre.Rafael Holmberg - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (4):429-445.
    Not only is freedom a shared concern of Sartre and Schelling, which would not be anything particularly unique, but for both philosophers, freedom must be articulated out of an ontological ground, or within the confines of an ontological system. A contradiction nevertheless appears to arise regarding the “orientation” of Sartre and Schelling’s respective “ontologies of freedom”: the freedom of Sartre, reflecting a contemporary stoic-inspired doctrine, is directed toward the future, while for Schelling, with affinities to the temporal logic of psychoanalysis, (...)
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    Vision and visuality in buddhism and beyond: an introduction.Polina Lukicheva, Rafael Suter & Wolfgang Https://Orcidorg Behr - 2020 - .
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    Os Manuscritos de 1844 de Karl Marx e a retomada da economia política no pensamento pós-hegeliano.Douglas Rafael Dias Martins - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):301-329.
    Nosso artigo visa um estudo sobre os cadernos intitulados como “Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos” de Karl Marx, do ano de 1844, tendo em vista a posição privilegiada que o texto ocupa no desenvolvimento do pensamento do autor. Do mesmo modo, os manuscritos guardam os primeiros estudos teóricos da economia política de um jovem Marx e seu pensamento precoce – anterior àquele de “O capital” –, ao mesmo tempo que também representou o aprimoramento das “armas da crítica” pela “crítica das armas” contra os (...)
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  11. Why Did Plato not Write the ‘Unwritten Doctrine’? Some Preliminary Remarks.Rafael Ferber - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (1):127-149.
    This article asks the question “Why did Plato not write the ‘unwritten doctrine’?” and answers it by citing a combination of two obstacles. The first derives from the limitations of the episteme available to an embodied soul about the essence of the good. Even if the dialectician has access to some kind of knowledge, the mismatch between the unchanging essence of the good and the precarious logoi which aim to identify it (and allow others some measure of access to it) (...)
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    De la mirada cosificadora a la comunidad ontológica: La intersubjetividad en Jean-Paul Sartre y Eduardo Nicol.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (2).
    El propósito principal del siguiente artículo es el de realizar un estudio crítico comparativo entre las tesis sobre la experiencia de la alteridad que Jean-Paul Sartre desarrolló en El ser y la Nada y aquellas que elaboró Eduardo Nicol a lo largo de sus trabajos filosóficos. Pese a la ausencia de un diálogo directo entre ambos intelectuales trataremos de ofrecer luz sobre las formas a través de las cuales el pensamiento nicoliano ofrece herramientas conceptuales para trascender las irresolubles conflictividades que (...)
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  13. La interpretación materialista de la historia.Gambra Ciudad & Rafael[From Old Catalog] - 1946 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Balmes" de Sociología.
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    La propuesta de Tommaso Greco. A propósito de La legge della fiducia. Alle radici del diritto.Rafael de Asís - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:37-46.
    La legge della fiducia. Alle radici del diritto, constituye una propuesta de comprensión del Derecho y, al mismo tiempo, una invitación a la reflexión sobre su significado y sentido. En estas breves reflexiones se abordan algunas de las cuestiones sobre las que el libro te invita a reflexionar y se plantean algunas dudas que suscita la propuesta de Tommaso Greco.
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  15. El pensamiento de Miguel Servet.Rafael Bermudo del Pino - 2009 - A Parte Rei 63:5.
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  16. Linear discrete models with different time scales.Eva Sánchez, Rafael Bravo Parra & Pierre Auger - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (4).
    Aggregation of variables allows to approximate a large scale dynamical system (the micro-system) involving many variables into a reduced system (the macro-system) described by a few number of global variables. Approximate aggregation can be performed when different time scales are involved in the dynamics of the micro-system. Perturbation methods enable to approximate the large micro-system by a macro-system going on at a slow time scale. Aggregation has been performed for systems of ordinary differential equations in which time is a continuous (...)
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    “REOFUT” as an Observation Tool for Tactical Analysis on Offensive Performance in Soccer: Mixed Method Perspective.Rafael Aranda, Joaquín González-Ródenas, Ignacio López-Bondia, Rodrigo Aranda-Malavés, Andrés Tudela-Desantes & M. Teresa Anguera - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18. L'évidencia i les dificultats.Jordi Rafael Sales I. Coderch - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:483-488.
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    Traditional Games as Cultural Heritage: The Case of Canary Islands (Spain) From an Ethnomotor Perspective.Rafael Luchoro-Parrilla, Pere Lavega-Burgués, Sabrine Damian-Silva, Queralt Prat, Unai Sáez de Ocáriz, Enric Ormo-Ribes & Miguel Pic - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    UNESCO in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development establishes respect for the environment and sustainability education as key elements for the challenges of society in the coming years. In the educational context, physical education can have a vital role in sustainability education, through Traditional Sporting Games. The aim of this research was to study from an ethnomotor perspective the different characteristics of two different groups of TSG in the Canary Islands, Spain. The corpus of this investigation was made up of (...)
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    Appropriating John Paul II’s laborem exercens in pedagogical work.Juan Rafael Macaranas - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (Special Issue).
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  21. Aesthetic Experience and Certainty.Rafael Azize - 2017 - In Anja Weiberg & Stefan Majetschak, Aesthetics Today: Contemporary Approaches to the Aesthetics of Nature and of Arts. Proceedings of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 15-17.
    Wittgenstein’s mature philosophy offers a therapeutic way out of some conundrums stemming from taxonomic expectations regarding philosophical description of experience in general. The paper asks if this is also true of the facts of aesthetic experience. This possibility is hinted at by examining an application of the notion of certainty to aesthetic experience. Some traits of possible uses of central concepts of the mature Wittgenstein to a philosophical aesthetics inspired by the “new method” are also canvassed.
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  22. Speaking and Translating: Aesthetics, Aspect-Seeing, and Interpretation.Rafael Azize - 2019 - In Alois Pichler, Paulo Oliveira & Arley Moreno, Wittgenstein in/on Translation. Campinas: Unicamp University Press. pp. 281-308.
    The anthropologist James Frazer investigates the ritual gesture in search of be- liefs about the physical world by the native. Wittgenstein considers this a case of aspect- blindness, one that is disruptive of the conditions for understanding the native’s most triv- ial gestures. Unable to cast his glance from within the native situation, this methodological view from nowhere has an arresting effect on experience – in particular, the experience of speaking. This interruption is to be examined by means of a (...)
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    O Amor de deus, a liturgia E o mundo atual.Rafael Ferreira da Silva - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 11 (20):157-169.
    Uma palavra universal, existente desde a primeira forma de conscientização do homem, amor. Palavra que poeticamente, se disser que é tão antiga quanto se faz nova. A grande questão abordada sobre o amor, é se sua essência como expressão do que é, nas relações humanas e na relação com a vida, ainda possui o seu conceito original ou se perdeu ao longo dos anos? O amor de Deus não muda e perpassa a história., mesmo que no período presente, a palavra (...)
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    La relación jurídica natural.Rafael María de Balbín - 1985 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Dialectical - materialistic philosophical approach to scientific research.Rafael Claudio Izaguirre Remón - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):127-144.
    Con el objetivo de contribuir al debate actual sobre la necesidad del esclarecimiento de los fundamentos filosóficos de la investigación científica y su declaración en el discurso que expone sus principales resultados, se valoró la forma en que se asume la perspectiva dialéctico-materialista y se precisó en torno a algunos enfoques polémicos sobre la necesidad de su empleo consecuente como referente cosmovisivo en la construcción de la ciencia y la legitimación de sus resultados. Se enfatizó en la necesidad de su (...)
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  26. As Far as the Eyes can Reach: Complete Analysis in the Intermediate Wittgenstein.Rafael Azize - 2010 - In Elisabeth Nemeth, Richard Heinrich & Wolfram Pichler, Image and Imaging in Philosophy, Science, and the Arts. Preproceedings of the 33rd International Wittgenstein Symposium. Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. pp. 23-25.
    Conceptual analysis is one of the notions undergoing dramatic changes during Wittgenstein's intermediate period. There's an aspect of such changes which might prove characteristic of the new directions taken by Wittgenstein's thought after 1929: it is the notion of complete analysis. We believe that Wittgenstein's treatment of this notion is also an interesting indication of new concerns generated by the "new method" itself, in terms of its radical openness to dialogism and its anti-dogmatism. Our aim here will be to explore (...)
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    De la teoría a la «especulación». La noción de evidencia en Duns Escoto.Rafael Corazón González - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    RESUMENLa distinción entre conocimiento intuitivo y abstractivo, extendida por Duns Escoto, y la consiguiente distinción entre conceptos distintos y confusos, implica una nueva gnoseología en la que la inteligencia asiste pasivamente, como un espejo, a la representación de las esencias, que se manifiestan al margen de su existencia. PALABRAS CLAVECERTEZA–EVIDENCIA–INTUICIÓN–CONOCIMIENTO ABSTRACTIVO–IDEAS CLARAS Y DISTINTAS.ABSTRACTThe distinction between intuitive and abstractive knowledge, spread by Duns Scotus, and the consequent distinction between different and confused concepts, it involves a new gnoseology in which intelligence (...)
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  28. El dogma de derecho.Rafael de Guzmán Mora - 1983 - Bogotá: [S.N.]. Edited by Felipe Pinilla Acevedo.
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  29. Teorías contemporáneas de la justicia.Josep Rafael Moncho Pascual - 2001 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 28:387-406.
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  30. Implicaciones Epistemológicas de la Gramática Transformacional de Noam Chomsky.Rafael Torrado Pacheco - 1984 - Universitas Philosophica 2:79-92.
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    Concentration in contemporary society: Towards a theory of crisis based on Marx and Luhmann.Rafael Alvear - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):66-80.
    When examining the current form that modern society has acquired, it is hard to overlook the emergence of a systemic dimension that has become far removed from its social-symbolic roots. This systemic dimension is the result of a process of functional differentiation and simultaneous growth that has led to the gradual formation of social systems that, alongside their coordinating effect, give rise to multiple conflicts or crises. But how are the crises of modern societies to be understood in light of (...)
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    Exploring the relation between literary works and reader reception.Rafael Carneiro Rocha - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (2).
    How can we, perspicuously, explain the relation between a literary text and its interpretation by a reader in a way that supports the hypothesis that literature matters for moral reflection? In this article, based on a critical examination of some anglophone authors, who are more or less engaged in investigations related to the analytic philosophy of language, and who address the relation between philosophy and literature, we propose a distinction between two types of relations: the relation between the literary work (...)
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    Πολέμου καὶ μάχης... (Gorg. 447a1 ss.): Guerra y virilidad en la caracterización de Calicles en el Gorgias de Platón.Rafael Moreno González - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (1):7-24.
    Las palabras iniciales del Gorgias son una pista importante para comprender la caracterización literaria y filosófica del personaje Calicles dentro del diálogo platónico. Así, que Platón colocara en boca de Calicles un saludo donde se mencionan explícitamente la guerra y el enfrentamiento muestra lo importante que estas actividades son para este personaje. El resto del diálogo sirve para desarrollar este aspecto del alma de Calicles, quien, tanto en sus intervenciones como en su accionar en la conversación, deja clara su defensa (...)
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    Exploring deceptions: cognitive strategies and dynamics in espionage.Rafael G. Lenzi - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (260):221-249.
    The paper examines deceptions employed during the Cold War with the purpose of exploring their underlying conceptions, mechanisms, and applications. It focuses on the interactions between the deceiver and the deceived, analyzing both sides’ perspectives. The examination centers on declassified guides, recently published as The Official C.I.A. Manual of Trickery and Deception, which contain detailed instructions concerning how spies should carry out their activities of deception. Three kinds of procedures were selected for analysis: behavior in public for men and women, (...)
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    Belief Revision in a Nutshell.Rafael R. Testa - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (1):71-77.
    Belief Revision studies how rational agents change their beliefs in response to new information. The main objective of the works in this area is modelling these dynamics by defining some formal operators of change. This paper is an overview on the AGM model for revision, introducing some of the major questions that are addressed in this area of study.
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    La racionalización del sufrimiento: una aproximación epistémica al problema evidencial del mal en el mundo.Rafael Miranda Rojas - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):97-114.
    Hay sufrimiento en el mundo, hay mal en el mundo. Existe evidencia de ambos. No todo sufrimiento parece ser con vistas a un bien mayor. Es decir, parece haber casos de mal gratuito o injustificado. El pasado 2 de febrero del 2024, observamos en Viña del Mar - Chile las trágicas consecuencias de un devastador incendio forestal, probablemente provocado intencionalmente por el ser humano. Ante escenarios de este tipo, el desafío epistémico para quienes creemos en Dios es preguntarnos si este (...)
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    Nietzsche e a Crítica Historiográfica: Uma Análise Partir Do Romantismo de Michel Lowy e Robert Sayre.Rafael Gomes Nogueira Pereira - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):391-416.
    O presente ensaio tem por objetivo analisar a crítica de Nietzsche a historiografia moderna a partir da definição de romantismo proposta por Michel Lowy e Robert Sayre. Deste modo, intentamos compreender a crítica nietzschiana à História como um movimento de combate à própria modernidade, tomando a tragédia grega como o caminho para combater o historicismo e os problemas desencadeados pela doença histórica.
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    Squeezing the good into the right.Rafael Graebin Vogelmann - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (3):1-12.
    Some of our reasons for acting are grounded precisely on the fact that we are not fully virtuous agents. This shows that the intuitive view that what we should do is what a virtuous person would do in the circumstances we find ourselves is false. Many take this to show that there is not a close connection between virtue and practical reasons. I hold that this is a mistake. I argue that a failure to act in light of a decisive (...)
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    Los fines del derecho penal: liberalismo y comunitarismo en la justificación de la pena.Rafael Alcácer Guirao - 2001 - Buenos Aires: Adhoc.
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    Sobre el concepto de delito: lesión del bien jurídico o lesión de deber?Rafael Alcácer Guirao - 2003 - Buenos Aires: Ad-Hoc.
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  41. On John Locke, Francisco Suárez, and a Revision of Property in the Enterprise Model.Rafael Alé-Ruiz & Ma Idoya Zorroza - 2022 - In Leopoldo J. Prieto López & José Luis Cendejas Bueno, Projections of Spanish Jesuit Scholasticism on British Thought: New Horizons in Politics, Law and Rights. Boston: BRILL.
  42. "Las Leyes de la Naturaleza" en GUIA COMARES DE FILOSOFIA DE LA NATURALEZA (cap IV).Rafael Andrés Alemañ-Berenguer - 2016 - Granada, España: Editorial Comares.
    En este libro un equipo formado por especialistas españoles y extranjeros pasa revista a los principales aspectos del conocimiento del mundo físico. Los autores combinan la perspectiva científica con la filosófica, en un esfuerzo de diálogo interdisciplinar que quiere estar a la altura de los tiempos. Reflejan la variedad de puntos de vista de los cultivadores de la filosofía de la naturaleza, aunque com¬parten la misma fe en el futuro de la disciplina y en el papel que le corresponde para (...)
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    Rorty y los problemas de una ética pragmática.Rafael Gómez Pardo - 2016 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 26 (93):52-70.
    Este ensayo expone las ideas fundamentales de la ética pragmática de Rorty, partiendode su crítica de la verdad como representación y la propuesta de la solidaridad en unsentido moral. El autor intenta sentar las bases de una crítica a la ética pragmática yestablece la necesidad de volver a plantear el tema de la persona -desde un cristianismomás “actualizado”- y se formula el problema de la esencia de lo pragmático al interiorde una metafísica que, fundándose un referente simbólico o analógico, supere (...)
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    Do rigorosamente vago e seu papel na tradução.Rafael Azize & Paulo Oliveira - 2021 - Tradterm 40 (1):180-202.
    Na investigação acadêmica/científica, o vago é usualmente tratado como desvio do exato. Na teoria da tradução, isso toma corpo no conceito tradicional de ‘equivalência’ como igualdade a priori e no nível do sistema linguístico. Contra essa visão, retomamos aqui uma aproximação entre o conceito de ‘normas tradutórias’ de Gideon Toury e a concepção de linguagem do Wittgen­stein tardio, orientando-nos também pelos comentários do filósofo brasileiro Arley Moreno. Defendemos que o vago tem precedência lógica ante o preciso, na linguagem tout court (...)
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    Enactive Evaluative Sentimentalism.Rafael Vogelmann - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45023.
    RESUMO Defendo uma versão de sentimentalismo avaliativo segundo a qual (i) respostas afetivas são aparências de valor e (ii) juízos de valor podem repudiar ou assentir a essas aparências. O ponto de partida do meu argumento é a concepção enativa de afetividade de Giovanna Colombetti. De acordo com Colombetti, um ser afetivo é um que, por meio de sua atividade de produção de sentido, traça distinções significativas, permeadas de valores e, assim, produz um Umwelt (isto é, um ambiente que tem (...)
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    Palmquist, Stephen R., ed., Kant on Intuition: Western and Asian Perspectives on Transcendental Idealism.Rafael Suter - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (4):727-733.
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    De la filosofía a la ciencia en la instrucción pública: diferencias entre las Bases de Jovellanos y el Informe de Quintana para una historia conceptual del término «filosofía».Rafael Valeriano Orden Jiménez - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (307):5-40.
    El nuevo imaginario social del conocimiento teórico del siglo XVIII, que, entre otros rasgos, contenía el de la utilidad del saber, comportó un cambio semántico en el término «filosofía», estrechamente relacionado con la enseñanza, tras ser desplazado por el de «ciencia». En las universidades se impartían las ciencias filosóficas, de tradición escolástica, enfocadas, fundamentalmente, a formar a funcionarios del Estado y la Iglesia, pero las nuevas ciencias matemáticas y naturales requerían ocupar un lugar en la enseñanza para instruir a la (...)
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    Apresentação do dossiê: Teoria Crítica 100 anos.Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide & Sertório de Amorim E. Silva Neto - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1541-1546.
    Na semana de Pentecostes de 1923, reuniu-se em um hotel na cidade de Ilmenau na Turíngia, região central da Alemanha, um grupo de intelectuais em um encontro que foi denominado “Semana de Trabalho Marxista” (Marxistische Arbeitswoche). Dele participaram seu idealizador – Felix Weil – e cerca de 20 pessoas. Destacaram-se entre os participantes Friedrich Pollock e Karl August Wittfogel. A intenção da “Semana de Trabalho Marxista” era discutir as obras Marxismo e filosofia, de Karl Korsch, e História e consciência de (...)
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    (1 other version)La sabiduría de Grecia. El estatus de la retórica en la filosofía de Emmanuel Levinas.Rafael Stockebrand Gómez - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-17.
    El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar el estatus de la retórica a partir de la filosofía de Emmanuel Levinas. Esto a propósito de las reflexiones sobre la ética y el lenguaje, en donde se instala la inquietud del rol que cumpliría la retórica –como un lenguaje dirigido a la persuasión– dentro de la dimensión de la ética levinasiana. En un primer acercamiento observamos que la retórica corresponde al lenguaje político de la violencia y la dominación, no obstante, buscaremos (...)
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    Occupational Health Nursing models and theories: A critical analysis in the scope of the unitary‐transformative perspective.Rafael A. Bernardes, Sílvia Caldeira, Minna Stolt, Vítor Parola, Hugo Neves & Arménio Cruz - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12500.
    Occupational Health Nursing (OHN) has followed a complex path to build and strengthen its theoretical basis. Starting with Public Health core principles, theories were shaped by the dualism of person worker and working environment, where sometimes the centre of the thought was given to the latter and other times to the former. The problem was not much on such conflict but on the definition of the correct OHN focus and whether genuine nursing knowledge was being applied. We are worried that (...)
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